13. To be “fucked”, in the manner of procreation, was to be used to the complete end, so, by extension, any article or experience that was used to its complete end was “fucked”. Yep, in Australia cactus doesn't always mean the plant. My computer is cactused! (An alternative spelling with the "k" in place is also common, I gather. If your climate is right, edible cacti and succulents are extremely low-maintenance plants and delicious, too!. This is said as a pseudo-Latin phrase to bring a touch of wry humour to an otherwise unfortunate situation. – Source. Also, like many names of plants, the uninflected cactus is sometimes treated as plural. Used in a sentence. You can browse our individual species pages for pictures of a variety of cactus. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. What does cactused mean? window.open(suggestion.permalink,"_self"); – Source. An item won't work. Plant and flower meanings became a popular subject to study after Joseph Hammer-Purgstall’s Dictionnaire du language des fleurs was published in 1809. It’s often used in place of the word “f#$ked” Penong (/ p ə ˈ n ɒ ŋ / p(ə)-NONG) is a town and locality on the Nullarbor Plain, in the far west of the state of South Australia located about 616 kilometres (383 mi) north-west of the state capital of Adelaide. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It’s an epiphytic cactus, meaning it should be kept damp and cool to mimic the conditions of its original rainforest home. You beauty. The definition of a succulent plant is one that has "thick, fleshy, water-storing leaves or stems," so technically a cactus is a succulent. @JonHanna An online reference to "Cassell's Dictionary of Slang" claims kark was not used until the 1970's and that it is derived from the sound of a crow (but also, of course, close to "cack"). While this cactus is most widely grown for its edible fruit and paddles (or pads/nopales), just about every part of the plant can be used in some way. Cactus spines are actually modified leaves and that photosynthesis is performed by the stalk instead. ), Source: World Wide Words Michael Quinion, 2 Aug 09. The exact size of your Christmas Cactus may vary depending on … Dragonfruits come from a cactus. @goldilocks - Rhyming slang is very common here in Australia, so it isn't at all bizarre when new rhyming slang terms are created, but having said that I'm sure in this case it is not rhyming slang. 12. Cactuses is the English plural. defeated. : Cactus are popular both in pots and the garden, we provide some basic hints on how to grow cactus Cactus definition is - any of a family (Cactaceae, the cactus family) of plants that have succulent stems and branches with scales or spines instead of leaves and … Photograph: Cartier. Leave this field empty if you're human: Fair dinkum words and phrases, sent once a week. I always assumed cactus was a reference to something "going to shit". Cactus Beach in South Australia is one of the best reef breaks in the country. You beauty. Australian slang 'Cark it' meaning? noted that there were no native cacti in that country. Broken, or not functioning. To combat it, the caterpillar/moth Cactoblastis (also South American native), was introduced in the 1920s. For example, a mechanic, after inspecting the starter motor in your car might announce 'No wonder it won't start, mate - this is cactus fuctus!'"