Tutankhamun’s tomb Tutankhamun reigned for roughly 10 years. The tomb was discovered by the British archaeologist Howard Carter and his Egyptian workmen. In fact, his mother is now believed to have been Akhenaten's sister. A group of royal seals was discovered at the entrance to the royal Tomb. Mr Reeves believes the remains of Tutankhamun, who died 3,000 years ago aged 19, may have been rushed into an outer chamber of what was originally Nefertiti's tomb. His burial place was hidden for many centuries. The masterful and precise making of the mask leads some researchers to believe that the 70-day period that the masters have between the death of the pharaoh and his burial would not be enough to make it. We are in the Valley of the Kings. To match the Kingdom's return to the old gods, the young king changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun. Similar sandals have been discovered in the tombs of other Egyptian pharaohs. For decades, information about the two miniature mummies was limited but nowadays, it is considered that the smaller child died around the 6th month of pregnancy while the larger child presumably died shortly after birth. In the Egyptian museum, the mummified and fragile bodies of two baby girls are kept in special storage. The Pharaohs long admired the strength and beauty of the African leopard and imported the animals from the South of the continent. Tutankhamun tomb contained approximately 700 objects. He exhibited it at the Egyptian Hall and attracted many visitors. He is considered to be a very important pharaoh, who returned peace, prosperity, and order to land left in chaos by his father’s political-religious reforms. Anything that fell from the heavens seems to have had special meaning for ancient Egyptians. Grave robbers had apparently twice invaded the inner tomb of King Tut. The game was played in every stratum of society and although the rule books have long been lost, experts believe they know how the game might have been played. Last Judgement of Hunefer, from his tomb. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The god Ptah was a god of creation, the patron of architects and craftsmen, those who built the tomb and everything it contains. The tomb was found by a group of researchers led by Howard Carte r. The reason why Tutankhamun is one of the most famous and talked about pharaohs is because his tomb was only Tutankhamun’s subjects regarded him partly as a god and partly as a man. Probably the tomb intended for the ruler was not yet ready at the time of his death, so they had to use this one. Associated with the art of mummification, the canine was thought to be an effective guard for the grave. Last Judgement of Hunefer, from his tomb. However it may sound, this was an extremely important position to hold and it came with many important duties. Rumours began to spread that the curse of Tutankhamun’s tomb had claimed its first victim. After its discovery, it was reassembled and is on display in the Egyptian Museum located in Cairo. Such funerary furniture has been found in numerous ancient Egyptian tombs made from all kinds of materials – wood, bronze, pottery, and even alabaster like the ones you see above from King Tut’s tomb. The tomb had to be prepared quickly within 70 days, but there is proof that King Tut’s Tomb Chambers Main Tomb Layout Antechamber Annex Burial Chamber Treasury Room Passage Way The treasury room was stocked with many items such as shrines, chests, boats, and two of King Tut’s believed stillborn daughters. It is Tutankhamun tomb contained approximately 700 objects. The outermost doors of the shrines enclosing the king's nested coffins were left opened, and unsealed. His father was the pharaoh Akhenaten, a revolutionary pharaoh who tried to focus Egypt's polytheistic religion around the worship of the sun disc, the Aten. Many people do not know that Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus held not one but three coffins. It is an absolutely magnificent example of the craft-work of ancient Egyptians that combines some of the traditional Egyptian symbols with a simplistic color palette and design. The tomb is three thousand years old. A fabulous gilded fan was included for King Tut’s exclusive use in the afterlife. Found throughout the world, the scarab beetle rolls dung into balls and pushes them along its path. His death may have occurred unexpectedly, before the completion of a grander royal tomb, causing his mummyto be buried in a tomb intended for someone else. These alabaster containers were filled with rare and expensive unguents for his use in the afterlife. Q: What was the first attempt to discover Tutankhamun’s tomb? In his fervor, Akhenaten ordered the names and images of other Egyptian deities to be destroyed or defaced. Had items such as shrines, chests, boats, and two still born daughters Accessed through the eastern side of the But in general, the population of the world know the tomb of Tutankhamen (KV 62) better than any other, because of all the royal tombs, it was found mostly intact. Equally unclear is the reason why he was buried in an unusually small tomb overfilled. b+='ancient-egypt-online.com' King Tut, as he became known, ruled for only six years and was probably about 19 when he died. We are committed to reducing the number of ads shown on the site. What was found in King Tut’s tomb? One discovery, a dagger found with Tutankhamun's mummy, was made with iron from a meteorite. Now’s your last chance to see its treasures before they’re returned to Egypt… To celebrate the anniversary of the incredible tomb’s discovery, 150 artefacts from the burial site are on display at the Saatchi Gallery in London, more than 60 of which have never been seen outside of Egypt. None of this type of fan was found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. The scarab god Khepera was depicted as pushing Ra’s sun on its course westward to sunset. Howard Carter was a painstaking researcher and an excellent cataloger, spending 10 years at the task. Next lesson. This … Like the majority of the treasures found in the tomb, the decorations of the throne are in the animal theme. While the discovery was exciting prompting the sponsor of the dig, British Lord Carnarvon and his daughter to arrive at the site some weeks later, the major discoveries were found by happy accident. Ancient Egypt had far advanced the funeral arts. It is not the grandest tomb in Egypt, and was certainly not occupied by one of Egypt's most powerful rulers. b='info' Immortal body. King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamuns tomb was discovered by an British archaeologists Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon in 1922. Tutankhamun’s Tomb Who Found His Tomb? There were attempts to steal the Tutankhamun tomb, but they were unsuccessful. Tutankhamun's tomb had been entered at least twice, not long after he was buried and well before Carter's discovery. The objects are part of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Don't worry, we don't send spam. In contrast, you can look at the second statuette on the right which is a lot more traditional and presents Tutankhamun holding two items – presumably a whip and a curved stick. In 1323 BC, his death put an end to an entire era – the time when Egypt was an imperial power. There is no evidence that a curse was found anywhere in Tutankhamun’s tomb, even though the contents were fully recorded. The dagger has a handle with a mountain crystal and an exquisite golden scabbard decorated with floral motifs. Most of them are located on the 2nd floor of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo today. All the pharaonic belongings and treasures that were found in the Tomb were recorded for a whole year. In 1922, however, one of the most important finds in the Valley was stumbled upon by Carter. tutankhamun’s tomb is located in the Valley of the Kings and is by far the best preserved royal tomb ever discovered. In a singular move, he sold exclusive rights to the Tut’s tomb … People start to clea r the rooms one by one. It was an amazing discovery and one of the most important made in the history of archeology. After British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the boy pharaoh’s tomb … Tutankhamun had four Senet in his tomb to play for eternity. The tomb was found by a group of researchers led by Howard Carter. } To date, only a third of them have ever been exposed to the public. After their depredations ended, the thieves had clumsily resealed the passage leading the real treasures buried with the boy king with chips of limestone. Pharaohs are in their tombs there. Today, bearing the modest name KV62, the tomb is one of Egypt’s most significant archaeological finds. King Tut’s possible remains became a mere footnote. What was Found in King Tut’s Tomb!!! of massive 24-carat gold, exquisitely decorated with semi-precious stones, stained glass, red chalcedony from India, and obsidian. © Zsolt Andrasi - Rooms within Tutankhamun's Tomb, As Howard Carter later wrote, ‘At first I could see nothing, the hot air escaping from the chamber causing the candle flame to flicker, but presently, as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold - everywhere the glint of gold.’. 10 Most Significant Treasures Found in Tutankhamun’s Tomb in Pictures Tutankhamun's fame today likely exceeds that which the ruler enjoyed in his lifetime or could have imagined at all. The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun caused a sensation and raised the profile of Ancient Egypt with modern tourists and scholars. Tradition dictates that the walls be painted with scenes from Amduat, an ancient Egyptian esoteric book containing the instructions and spells the deceased needed to move smoothly into the afterlife. Boomerang According to Tarek El Awady, curator of the exhibition Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh, many boomerangs were found inside Tut’s tomb An exact, full-sized replica of Tutankhamun's tomb was built in Egypt in 2014, but to ensure the real one can remain open as an attraction, the conservators took measures to … Pharaonic inscriptions were discovered in the Minister’s Tomb, that is, No. a='